Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fly Rant

Do you mind if I rant a teeny tiny bit?
There is one major problem I have with just about every mermaid RP sim I go to.
Flying is disabled. When I go to a mermaid or fantasy sim and flight is disabled, it makes my face much like this. ->

What is the point of being a mermaid if you're still stuck to the floor? Every self-respecting mer who wants to roleplay has a SwimGem HUD (or equivalent?) to keep them in the water. And most of us wouldn't want to be outside the water anyway!

I understand that in serious fantasy RPs we don't want to have elves and orcs flying all over the place. But from what I've seen, Fae get to be the exception to the rule. Why only fae? Why not us mers?

I know I'm the newbie and there might be more for me to learn, but...whenever I see a landmark for a "mer site" in someone's blog and I go to see it and flying is disabled in that sim, it really bothers me!

1 comment:

  1. Hi and welcome to being a mer! Cute blog you've started here! Ctrl+Alt+V allows some of us to bypass "no fly zones" in SL but please use responsibly :DD. There are also swim assistant devices that "build" invisible platforms under you so you can "swim/fly" at different water levels.
